7 October 2022

DAY 6 Lilith Shadow Faerie Queen Tag

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog!
Today I’m sharing my DT inspiration tag using Lilith Shadow Faerie Queen from the Shadows Rising  2022 collection and Senti by LeighSBDesigns.
Entered to 
Challenge #10 - Too Cute To Spook!

Materials used:
Spectrum Noir Triblends
White Gel Pen 
Sakura Pen, Clear Star
Ranger Stickles, Crystal 
Black Fringe Fibre 
Hobby Craft Smooth White Cardstock 
Hobby Craft Red Glitter Cardstock 

Thanks for stopping by,
I appreciate your comments!
Val S


Carved Pumpkins

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! Re sharing: To make my card I used the image Stack o’ Carved Pumpkins by LeighSBDesigns and Tim Holtz Spid...