19 January 2018

Poe Wall Plaque - Day 1

Hi everyone!
Day 1 of Poe Appreciation Day Blog Hop, hosted by Leigh Snaith-Brunton
Jan 19-23 - 2018
The most POE-full time of the year is here.  Come join in the 5 day long celebration of Edgar Allan Poe's birthday!
 Sharing one of my passed makes.

Thanks for stopping by,
I appreciate your comments!
Val S.


  1. oh my gosh you have been so busy. This is beautiful and a treat for each January and October :)

  2. Happy Poe Day! POEsome to see another great re-share, Poe never gets old ;0)

  3. A wall plaque is something different

  4. Another cool project! My, aren't we the Poe aficionado? xxD

  5. Great plaque :D You are inspiring me to re share some of my past creations :D XXX

  6. Lovely hanging - is that bubble wrap behind or a clay piece ? xx

  7. Fantastic idea! Love this wall hanging!


Queen of Hearts Grunge Tag

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! Sharing today my Queen of Hearts Grunge Tag using this fabulous image by LeighSBDesigns!  Materials used:...